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What is Collagen and Why Do I Need More?

Familiar with anti-aging products or skincare treatments as a whole? Chances are you’ve come across collagen as wither a product or the tagline of a product. However, what exactly is collagen and what role does it play in determining your facial appearance?

Collagen is a naturally-produced protein found in the skin and connective tissue. Hair, bones, muscles, ligaments, and skin rely on collagen and the amino acids that make up collagen for their health and structural support. In terms of skin, collagen keeps skin supple and taut by providing important elasticity and density.

As we age, collagen production gradually slows. The skin begins to lose volume across the face, including the lips and cheeks. In combination with the skin’s exposure to the environment and genes, slowing collagen development can quickly lead to the development of fine lines and eventually wrinkles across the face. Furthermore, lost collagen or limited collagen production can negatively impact the tautness of skin. It doesn’t take long for the aging process to begin diminishing the skin’s elasticity, causing facial sagging and increasing the fragility of skin.

Kickstarting Collagen Production with Sculptra

With these consequences in mind, replacing lost collagen is an important step in halting the effects of aging on your appearance. Over recent years, a number of dermal filler products have hit the market. Many of these options are highly effective in restoring volume to areas where collagen production has visibly slowed. However, these solutions tend to be temporary and require multiple touch-ups in order for patients to stay on top of the aging process.

For individuals looking for a more permanent answer to aging, Dr. Kato may recommend Sculptra, a non-surgical cosmetic solution designed to kick slowing collagen generation back into high gear. The secret behind this treatment option is poly-l-lactic acid, a biocompatible compound commonly used in medical devices to stimulate healing around pins, screw, and implants. When used as a cosmetic enhancement, this key ingredient helps stimulate the receptors responsible for generating more collagen. This helps rebuild the underlying collagen structure, allowing additional protein to develop in the targeted area. Thanks to the precise application of the compound, cosmetic specialists like Dr. Kato can uniquely address deficient areas without over-treating the face.

Precise, pinpoint application makes Sculptra ideal for a broad range of patients. Whether you’re just noticing the development of fine lines or have lived with skin laxity problems for years, the targeted injection makes it possible for all patients to restore their former youthfulness. Perhaps most importantly, the treatment continues to work long after the injections are over. By re-engaging key collagen production, patients enjoy up their results for up to two years.

Ready, Set, Transform at Aesthetic Arts

With Sculptra treatment, keeping your skin voluminous is simple. To learn more about this innovation in anti-aging technology, contact Dr. Kato and schedule your cosmetic consultation today!