A brow lift is also known as a forehead lift, it focuses on reducing wrinkles and improving the frown lines by placing the eyebrows in a youthful position. Sagging eyebrows are raised to treat the vertical creases and horizontal lines that develop between the eyebrows. A classic brow lift is generally performed under anesthesia and requires an incision that starts just above the ear level and follows the hairline up the forehead to the next ear. The skin above the forehead is then carefully lifted to adjust fat, tissues and facial muscles.
An endoscopic brow lift is another type of brow lift that involves a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia. This procedure can produce excellent results with minimal downtime for patients.
A third type of brow lift is a temporal lift, also minimally invasive, this scaled back endoscopic lift can also produce great results with even less downtime for patients.
The goal of any type of brow lift is to tighten the skin in the forehead region to reduce the amount of wrinkling in the area and minimize the appearance of drooping brows. The results from this type of procedure are a smoother, more youthful appearance. Deciding which type of brow lift is best for you can be a discussion to have with your surgeon to decide which procedure will best fit your cosmetic needs.