What's Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a type of surgery that repairs droopy eyelids, this may involve the removal of excess skin, muscle, and fat. This procure is done to remove excess skin from the upper eyelids and reduce bagginess from the lower eyelids. The appearance of your eyes plays a vital role in facial rejuvenation with the area around the eyes being an important component of facial aesthetics. A Blepharoplasty plays an important role in creating positive facial harmony and the perception of aging. It is one of the most commonly-performed cosmetic facial procedures that treats symptoms such as tired-looking eyes, excess skin, droopy eyelids, or circles around the eyes. 

Upper vs Lower Blepharoplasty

An upper blepharoplasty will include the excision of drooping eyelid skin, repair the muscle that opens the eyes, and remove excess fat. A lower blepharoplasty corrects under-eye bags by repositioning or removing fat and skin. It will also treat sagging lower lids that reveal excess white space beneath your iris.

Local or General Anesthesia

 The procedure can be performed under local or general anesthesia and most patients experience minimal bruising after surgery which is easily treated by an ice compress, bruising will usually resolve in about 2 weeks.

Recovery and Results

 Most patients can return to work after about a week and the results from the procedure will typically last anywhere from 5-7 years. Lower lid blepharoplasty rarely needs to be repeated.  Results are long-lasting and you should expect to see brighter, tighter and more open eyes after an upper eyelid blepharoplasty. A lower blepharoplasty procedure will result in eyes that appear younger and more alert without the appearance of bags or sagging skin