(760) 610-5558

How to Pamper Sun Damaged Skin Now That It’s Fall

Give your summer skin a proper send-off. All summer long, your skin has endured warm weather and too much sun. Now that fall is here, it is time to begin the repair process, treating and restoring damaged skin. 

The first thing you’ll want to do is start swapping the products in your skincare regimen. Hydrating summer gels won’t cut it now that the weather is cooling off. It is time for deeply moisturizing creams. Evaluate your skincare products and make seasonal swaps to ensure healthy skin all year round. 

 Don’t forget about in-office treatments. Celebrate fall with freshly pampered skin with these treatments, recommended by Palm Springs skin specialist Dr. Maya Kato.  Call us at 760-610-5558 to schedule your consultation today!

PRP Therapy

Long a favorite of sports professionals to treat injuries, platelet-rich plasma therapy or PRP therapy is a popular skincare solution perfect for a post-summer rejuvenation. During the procedure, your own blood is extracted and filtered into a concentrated serum rich in growth factor proteins. This rejuvenating serum is then reinjected into the face, where it stimulates collagen production critical to repairing damaged skin deep below the surface. As a result, this procedure is uniquely able to help patients enjoy natural-looking, healthy and refreshed skin.

Dermal Fillers

After a long summer spent outdoor enjoying the sunshine, have you noticed that once fine lines have deepened into noticeable wrinkles? Harsh sun exposure can accelerate the aging process by damaging the all-important collagen production process. This results in volume loss across the face, causing wrinkles to deepen and patients to look older than they are. To combat this unexpected side effect of sunbathing, our Palm Springs rejuvenation specialist often recommends investing in dermal fillers

Injectable dermal fillers are a non-invasive way for patients to discreetly add volume back to the different areas of their faces. Thanks to innovation in the cosmetics industry, men and women can choose from a variety of options, carefully crafted to ensure a natural appearance.


Sun damage doesn’t simply go away after each summer. Years of accumulated damage can take their toll on skin, further weakening collagen production and making the signs of aging al the more noticeable. Without routine care, sun damage can lead to increased skin elasticity – causing unwanted skin sagging throughout the face. While some patients may choose to opt for invasive facelift surgery, others can achieve similar results with a less invasive threadlift

Unlike a surgical facelift, this approach uses surgical-grade sutures, placed below the skin’s surface, to pull and tighten sagging skin. As the sutures dissolve into the skin, they help stimulate collagen production, creating a new scaffold around within collagen can develop. This results in a smoother, more rejuvenated appearance, Even better, since a threadlift is less invasive, it requires much less downtime than surgery. For patients who’ve seen the damage caused by years of summer sun exposure, this simple procedure is an excellent opportunity to restore appearances while improving the quality of their skin. 

Ready for a clean and clear face? Call (760) 610-5558 today and schedule your pampering session with our Palm Springs skin specialist today!