(760) 610-5558

Top 5 Non-Surgical Options That Would Be Best for You!

It comes as no surprise that as we age, we notice our appearance becoming worn and tired. We develop wrinkles, lines, and creases, lose our facial definition, and double chins start to appear. These are all side effects of the aging process that can quickly undermine our self-confidence and make us look older than we feel.

But who said you couldn’t fight this aging process? With non-surgical cosmetic treatments becoming more accessible and affordable, they are the norm not only for celebrities but also for the population.

Below are some of the most popular non-surgical options to choose from at Aesthetic Art.

Botox® and Dysport®

At the top of the injectables list are Botox and Dysport, two brands of botulinum toxin type A injectables. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, botulinum toxin injections are the most popular minimally invasive cosmetic procedure available. They are widely considered to be some of the safest cosmetic treatments available today.

These two neuromodulators relax underlying facial muscles, softening the appearance of corresponding expression lines.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances injected beneath the skin to restore lost volume, smooth lines, soften creases, enhance facial contours, and produce natural-looking facial rejuvenation.

They are an effective alternative to traditional cosmetic surgery. Injectables can also complement surgical procedures to make you look your best.

Liquid Facelift

At Aesthetic Art in Palm Springs, Dr. Maya Kato’s patients frequently regain their former youthful appearance without surgery by undergoing an individually customized liquid facelift. This convenient procedure combines the benefits of dermal fillers, Botox, and other injectables to provide stunning results without any incisions.

Liquid facelifts do not require weeks of downtime and recovery, and because of this, many patients choose this alternative to address their facial concerns.


Sculptra Aesthetic is an injectable that’s classified as a collagen stimulator. It targets the root causes of aging to provide long-lasting, natural-looking results that can last up to two years. Not only does it soften the appearance of deep wrinkles and restore volume to gaunt features, but it also replenishes the stores of collagen in your skin.


Kybella improves your profile by removing fat (causing that double chin) under your chin, also known as submental fullness. Kybella is injected into the submental area, diminishing fat and providing a sleeker, more contoured profile. This treatment proves that one can regain a sleeker neckline without surgery.

Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Platelets, a component of blood that encourages clotting, are rich in growth factor proteins and stimulate cell production. By separating these essential platelets as serum from your blood, Dr. Kato can create a natural, personalized anti-aging mixture to stimulate cell regeneration and regrowth.

Non-surgical PRP treatments will improve your skin texture, tone, and complexion naturally. While you might enjoy the volumizing effects of other anti-aging treatments such as dermal fillers or Botox, you will achieve completely natural-looking results without needing repeat treatments with PRP. Furthermore, Dr. Kato also offers PRFM, which has been considered to be the next generation of PRP. PRFM lasts for longer, disperses into the body slower, and is generally more effective.

Find Out About Your Non-Surgical Options in Palm Springs, Ca

To explore all your non-surgical options, consult with leading plastic surgeon Dr. Maya Kato in Palm Springs, CA, at 760 610 5558, or fill out Dr. Kato’s online form here.