A head full of beautiful, healthy hair can be a source of pride for many women. After years of beautiful, youthful hair, it can quickly be a source of shock and anxiety to wake up one morning with seemingly more hair on your pillow or in the shower drain than on your head. Female hair loss is a common, yet under-discussed, condition countless women face annually.  Luckily, new innovative treatments have made solutions for this condition readily available without the need for drastic surgical treatment.

What Causes Hair Loss?

Daily, people lose about 100 hairs a day and up to 250 on days where they’re heavily handling their hair (like days they are washing or blow drying). For patients with strong and healthy hair growth, these lost strands are usually replaced on a near daily basis, meaning that so long as your growth cycle is left alone, your hair will continue to grow. When the growth pattern is disrupted, hair growth can quickly come to a slowing halt while hair continues to fall out at the same rate as before.  This disparity is what causes the appearance of thinning hair, widening parts, and overall female pattern hair loss.

While baldness or hair loss may be traditionally associated with male pattern baldness, female hair loss is a very common condition. Thinning hair at the top of the head, newly appearing bald spots, broadening parts and sudden loosening of hair are all common signs of hair loss countless women face annually.

Like men, women face several risk factors that can disrupt the delicate hair growth cycle. While many may associate hair loss as a side effect of treatments like chemotherapy, more common factors like genetics, hormone fluctuations, stress, and even hair treatments or styles can be equally disruptive to the growth cycle. Furthermore, hair loss isn’t restricted to just the hair on your head – women facing hair loss may also notice their eyebrows, arm hair, and hair elsewhere on the body becoming sparse with age.

Restoring Your Luscious Locks

Today’s hair restoration technology has come a long way from hair plugs and topical hair growth treatments. In recent years, platelet-rich plasma has become a popular option for men and women looking to add volume to sparse hair.

Platelet-rich plasma, also known as PRP, is an innovative treatment in which serum derived from each patient’s blood is used to kickstart the healing process. Originally developed to help with muscle and tendon regrowth as well as injury recovery, recent decades have seen the procedure’s use expand to cosmetic procedures. At Aesthetic Art, PRP has been successfully integrated into facial treatments as an effective, non-surgical skin rejuvenation option that is completely natural.

In the case of hair restoration, regrowth with PRP follows a very similar concept. During the procedure, blood is taken and refined into a hyper-concentrated serum. The solution is then injected into the scalp to stimulate inactive hair follicles responsible for slowing hair growth or development. By targeting the follicles instead of just adding additional plugs or extensions, PRP hair restoration helps encourage natural hair growth and development.

Keep Your Skin Beautiful with Dr. Kato

If you’re tired of pulling out clumps of hair every time you wash or comb your hair, it’s time to explore your long-term treatment options. In Palm Springs, Dr. Kato and her team are here to help you find the perfect hair restoration solution. Call 760-610-5558 today to schedule your consultation and discover how PRP hair injections can help you regain a beautiful head of hair!


Whether it’s age, stress, or just genetics, hair loss is an unfortunate occurrence for both men and women. But at Aesthetic Art in Palm Springs, CA, we offer a convenient and affordable hair restoration procedure that will help you regain your confidence, allowing you to look and feel your absolute best.

For some individuals, hair is an important quality, perhaps even what makes them feel most confident. Hair is also often one of the first features noticed when meeting or greeting another person. And though it’s not right or fair, appearances generally play an intricate role in life, in one aspect or another.

With the development of hair restoration techniques, there is a myriad of treatment options to choose from today. One of the safest and most popular procedures performed by Dr. Kato is PRP hair restoration. This treatment uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which is a serum created from the patient’s own blood. This serum promotes healing and regeneration. After it’s injected into the scalp, a healthy and nourished environment forms, ultimately stimulating the growth of formerly inactive hair follicles.

If you are suffering from one of the following conditions, PRP for hair growth could be for you:

While this procedure can be life-changing for many, certain individuals should not pursue PRP hair restoration, or at least converse with their doctor before scheduling an appointment. Particularly, those suffering from blood and platelet disorders, liver disease, or cardiovascular instability could have experience complications during or after treatment. However, all interested parties will receive a medical consultation with one of our physicians to better assess if this treatment is for them and their needs.

Not only is our hair restoration treatment completely safe and comfortable, but the process is relatively quick and simple, too. After injection of the serum, which is a minimally invasive process, the scalp and hair follicles are repaired and nourished. Hair loss slows down, and areas of the scalp that were previously bare due to inactive follicles are stimulated to encourage regrowth.

Potential patients are always happy to discover that hair restoration treatment does not require or include incisions or sutures. More so, because the serum used is made from each patient’s cells, infections and allergic reactions will not occur. While other restoration treatments are generally long, painful, and require lots of downtime to recovery, PRP at Aesthetic Art is simple, gentle, and takes fifteen minutes to perform.

Before the procedure begins, the patient’s scalp will be numbed, ensuring the individual is comfortable. Most of our patients do not mention pain or discomfort and spend the length of the procedure relaxing. The patient can go home immediately after their treatment.

When it comes to PRP hair restoration, many prospective patients are curious as to how many treatments they will need. The answer is simple: every individual is different. Factors such as the area being treated and the rate of hair loss will better determine the number of treatments required for successful results. It is common to receive four treatments, with one treatment being performed each month.

It is typical to see change within three to six months. It is imperative to remember that every individual is different. Therefore, depending on how your body reacts to treatment, the number of treatments you receive, and the degree of hair loss, it may take a little longer for your results to become noticeable.

Because it is our goal to assist as many individuals as possible, we do offer an alternative to PRP hair restoration. This alternative treatment uses Mesomedica sera for anyone who doesn’t feel comfortable using their blood for the process. Our MesoHairGro serum can also successfully nourish the scalp, as well as strengthen hair shafts. With the aid of essential vitamins, including Pro-Vitamin B5, biotin, thiamine, and Vitamin B6, the cause of poor hair growth is treated and corrected.

Let’s face the truth: Hair loss is not something you can control. It’s not necessarily fair that you have to experience it, but it happens. However, just because it does or has happened to you, doesn’t mean you have to sit back and live with it.

Interested in learning more about hair restoration? Contact the professional staff at Aesthetic Art in Palm Springs, CA today by calling (760) 610-5558.