For every individual currently unhappy with his or her appearance, good news: At Aesthetic Art Facial Rejuvenation, we offer a variety of procedures to get rid of unwanted lines, wrinkles, and fat, allowing you to look and feel your absolute best. Better yet, many of the treatments offered at our Palm Springs, CA facility are non-invasive. B. Maya Kato, MD is an educated, skilled, and trained professional who has one goal: ensuring complete patient satisfaction.

Are you ready to be informed about the benefits of non-invasive procedures?

First, before you become aware of the benefits offered by our treatments, it is necessary to learn which non-invasive, or minimally invasive procedures we offer. From undesired age spots to fat build up, getting older can be a cruel process. Therefore, a variety of services are conveniently available at our facility for all wants and needs, including the following:

While each of these options have their own individual strengths, they all share one beneficial element in common: these procedures are non-invasive. However, what is so great about a non-invasive procedure?

Non-invasive procedures are generally less painful than other types of procedures. Since there is (typically) no cutting or need for an incision, these treatments, at most, offer some mild discomfort, for which a light pain medication can be prescribed. Yet, even the need for medication is rare. Because there is no pain (or less pain) involved in these types of procedures, patients do not have to worry about long recovery periods or taking time off from work and/or their daily activities.

Non-invasive procedures require less, and often, no downtime. As mentioned above, no pain also means no recovery time. To take that point a step further, it is significant to note that most individuals who receive a non-invasive procedure immediately return to work following treatment. Because there is no downtime, there is also no need to miss work (i.e. use a vacation or sick day) or any other daily event or activity.

Non-invasive procedures are more convenient than other procedures. The procedures listed above do not require anesthesia or the need for anything similar. This results in fast, convenient treatment. In fact, some of the treatments, such as Kybella, can be performed in as quickly as 15 to 20 minutes. Therefore, in the past, patients have opted to have the procedure performed on their lunch hour, before immediately returning to work.

Non-invasive procedures offer fewer risks and complications. Again, because you’re not going “under the knife,” there is less possibility for something negative to occur during or after the treatment has been completed. Sure, non-invasive procedures, just like any other type of cosmetic procedure, can result in consequences. However, consequences are rare, especially when the procedure is performed by a skilled and trained professional. Better yet, minor side effects of non-invasive procedures generally only include slight redness, numbness, and bruising, all of which quickly subside within a week or two. Further, patients who pursue non-invasive procedures do not have to worry about unattractive scars or wounds.

Non-invasive procedures are more affordable than other procedures. Since non-invasive procedures are performed quickly, without anesthesia and overnight hospital stays, you will discover that these treatments are offered at a better rate.

Finally, non-invasive procedures often offer faster results than other procedures and surgeries. This is due to several factors, but mostly because there is no need for incisions, meaning you will not have to be stitched up following surgery, or worry about a particular body part or area needing time to heal before the results become visible.

To sum it up, the benefits of non-invasive procedures are endless, with the most popular elements including the following:

Of course, depending on a patient’s wants or needs, sometimes, a non-invasive procedure is not a possibility. You should speak to your doctor regarding your cosmetic treatment goals to discover whether or not they can be accomplished without the need for invasive surgery. As a result, you could save time, money, hassle, and energy.

To learn more about the benefits of non-invasive procedures offered by B. Maya Kato, MD at Aesthetic Art Facial Rejuvenation, contact our professional staff in Palm Springs, CA today by calling (760) 610-5558.

Are you worried that unwanted wrinkles and frown lines may one day plague your face? If you are in your 30s, then you may be contemplating Botox. More specifically, you may be wondering whether or not preventative Botox in your 30s is worth it.

It is time to find out!

If you are considering Botox, then chances are high that you are already somewhat familiar with the procedure. After all, throughout the past several years, Botox has become an extremely popular treatment, for both men and women.

Just so there is no confusion, Botox is used to temporarily paralyze muscles, resulting in a younger, smoother, wrinkle-free appearance. Made from botulinum toxin, which is produced by Clostridium botulinum, Botox can (safely) be injected into individuals in small concentrations. This toxin prevents the abnormal contraction of muscle cells, in turn, allowing the muscles to become less stiff.

While there are a variety of medical reasons as to why a patient may choose or require the injection of Botox, many individuals opt to have treatment for cosmetic purposes.

Though Botox has been proven to be both safe and effective, as with any type of treatment or procedure, rare yet negative side effects can occur, such as: mild pain, numbness, headaches, nausea, bleeding, blurred vision, and swelling. Of course, these negative side effects do not generally last long, and are less likely to take place when the Botox procedure is performed by a skilled and trained professional, such as Dr. Kato of Aesthetic Art.

Now that you are more familiar with the Botox process, as well as its benefits and possible side effects, you are probably still wondering whether or not preventative treatment in your 30s is effective.

Interestingly enough, some people believe the following mantra: “The age you start getting Botox injections, will be the age you stay.”

There is a common pattern today, in which more and more patients are choosing to pursue Botox treatments at a younger age – even as young as late 20s and early 30s – not to get rid of current wrinkles, but to prevent future ones.

As mentioned above, Botox can temporarily paralyze the muscles, but the injection can also help to improve facial posture, which can eventually cause wrinkles. Simply put, when you freeze these muscles, the muscles can no longer move, meaning less wrinkles appearing on your face.

Think of it this way: You have most likely been told time and time again to not scrunch your face, as the action will cause wrinkles. When you get Botox injected into your forehead, you physically will not be able to scrunch your forehead, even if you try. As a result, wrinkles will not be able to form in your forehead, or at least have a much harder time trying to form.

That is how Botox can be seen as a “preventative action” for those in their 30s, before too many wrinkles have become prominent. Basically, you are stopping wrinkles from forming in your forehead (or anywhere on your face) before they truly exist, or get particularly bad.

Does this mean if you run out now and get an injection that you will never have a wrinkle on your face as long as you are alive? Of course not! However, the point can be argued that if you start Botox treatments sooner rather than later, then you may end up with less wrinkles on your face. After all, many believe that the best time to start treating wrinkles is either before they appear, or as soon as they start appearing.

So, is preventative Botox is your 30s worth it? Or, more so, is it worth it for you?

While Botox is a safe, effective, and FDA-approved treatment, only you can decide the most appropriate time to start getting injections.

Further, before you do decide to schedule a Botox consultation, make sure that you have realistic goals and expectations following the procedure, as well as that you are emotionally, physically, and mentally stable. It is true: Botox treatments can help boost your self-esteem, making you look and feel younger, like the very best version of yourself. Yet, make sure you are pursuing treatment for the right reason . . . because you want it, and not someone else.

To learn more about Botox, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kato at Aesthetic Art, contact the professional staff at our Palm Desert, CA office today by calling 760-610-5558.


We love Botox! Why? Because it delivers beautiful, natural-looking results! We’ve compiled five interesting Botox facts to help you learn more about our favorite procedure:

Want to experience Botox’s anti-aging results for yourself? Schedule your consultation with Dr. B. Maya Kato, click here.