It comes as no surprise that as we age, we notice our appearance becoming worn and tired. We develop wrinkles, lines, and creases, lose our facial definition, and double chins start to appear. These are all side effects of the aging process that can quickly undermine our self-confidence and make us look older than we feel.

But who said you couldn’t fight this aging process? With non-surgical cosmetic treatments becoming more accessible and affordable, they are the norm not only for celebrities but also for the population.

Below are some of the most popular non-surgical options to choose from at Aesthetic Art.

Botox® and Dysport®

At the top of the injectables list are Botox and Dysport, two brands of botulinum toxin type A injectables. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, botulinum toxin injections are the most popular minimally invasive cosmetic procedure available. They are widely considered to be some of the safest cosmetic treatments available today.

These two neuromodulators relax underlying facial muscles, softening the appearance of corresponding expression lines.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances injected beneath the skin to restore lost volume, smooth lines, soften creases, enhance facial contours, and produce natural-looking facial rejuvenation.

They are an effective alternative to traditional cosmetic surgery. Injectables can also complement surgical procedures to make you look your best.

Liquid Facelift

At Aesthetic Art in Palm Springs, Dr. Maya Kato’s patients frequently regain their former youthful appearance without surgery by undergoing an individually customized liquid facelift. This convenient procedure combines the benefits of dermal fillers, Botox, and other injectables to provide stunning results without any incisions.

Liquid facelifts do not require weeks of downtime and recovery, and because of this, many patients choose this alternative to address their facial concerns.


Sculptra Aesthetic is an injectable that’s classified as a collagen stimulator. It targets the root causes of aging to provide long-lasting, natural-looking results that can last up to two years. Not only does it soften the appearance of deep wrinkles and restore volume to gaunt features, but it also replenishes the stores of collagen in your skin.


Kybella improves your profile by removing fat (causing that double chin) under your chin, also known as submental fullness. Kybella is injected into the submental area, diminishing fat and providing a sleeker, more contoured profile. This treatment proves that one can regain a sleeker neckline without surgery.

Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Platelets, a component of blood that encourages clotting, are rich in growth factor proteins and stimulate cell production. By separating these essential platelets as serum from your blood, Dr. Kato can create a natural, personalized anti-aging mixture to stimulate cell regeneration and regrowth.

Non-surgical PRP treatments will improve your skin texture, tone, and complexion naturally. While you might enjoy the volumizing effects of other anti-aging treatments such as dermal fillers or Botox, you will achieve completely natural-looking results without needing repeat treatments with PRP. Furthermore, Dr. Kato also offers PRFM, which has been considered to be the next generation of PRP. PRFM lasts for longer, disperses into the body slower, and is generally more effective.

Find Out About Your Non-Surgical Options in Palm Springs, Ca

To explore all your non-surgical options, consult with leading plastic surgeon Dr. Maya Kato in Palm Springs, CA, at 760 610 5558, or fill out Dr. Kato’s online form here.


As the popularity of injectable cosmetic treatments continues to rise, patients sometimes need help understanding which product best addresses their unique needs.

Restylane and Botox are both anti-aging products, but with quite different properties. Over 7 million Botox injections and 2.6 million Restylane and other soft tissue fillers are administered by cosmetic surgeons each year in the U.S. But which is best? The answer is that it depends on what you hope to achieve with your treatment. Quite simply, the reason that someone would choose Restylane over Botox lies in the aesthetic concerns of the patient.

Some patients are concerned with lines and wrinkles on their forehead or between their eyes – others find the encroaching signs of crows’ feet on the outsides of their eyes more disconcerting. Lines and wrinkles forming around the nose and around the lips are also common problem areas. And, some patients have a combination of concerns and receive more than one type of treatment.

When to Use Botox

Botox is synonymous with plastic surgery and anti-aging – and for good reason. The anti-wrinkling benefits of precisely-administered Botox have been documented for decades, and as plastic surgeons improve their techniques and refine Botox products, the results keep getting better.

Acting as a neuromodulator, Botox interferes with the muscular contractions which cause wrinkles in the forehead and between the eyes. As such, patients experiencing more advanced and deeper wrinkles often get the best benefits of Botox treatments. An added benefit of Botox is that regular use can help prevent the formation of new and deeper wrinkles, as it reduces the muscle contractions that cause the wrinkles to form.

On the other hand, parts of the face such as surrounding the eyes, the nose and the lips accrue fine lines which are less due to muscular contraction but caused more by a loss of skin elasticity and volume. It is in cases such as these that dermal fillers, particularly Restylane, are particularly useful.

When to Use Restylane

Unlike Botox, Restylane doesn’t affect the underlying muscles of the face. Instead, it provides volume to the layers of the skin above the muscles.

This acts to smooth out creases in the skin and eliminate the appearance of wrinkles while also adding contour and definition to the face.

Restylane injections last for approximately six to eight months, which is usually a bit longer than Botox.

As such, patients with more elementary, earlier signs of aging generally benefit most from Restylane, whereas those with more advanced stages of deeper forehead wrinkles find Botox offers ideal results.

Using a combination of Restylane and Botox can create more dramatic enhancements – smoothing out deeper wrinkles of the upper face while eliminating the finer lines of the lower portion of the face.

While a relatively straight forward procedure, Botox and Restylane injections do carry some associated risks when done by an untrained, uncertified individual. For the best results, patients should always seek an accredited, certified and affiliated surgeon. It’s also good practice to ask to see your surgeon’s portfolio of before and after work – this shows you the standard of work they do and gives you an idea of the results you can expect.

To consult with a leading surgeon in Palm Springs, contact Dr Maya Kato at 760-610-5558 or fill out her online form here.

The most popular cosmetic procedure in the U.S., over 7.5 million Botox appointments are made annually.

With so many people opting for Botox, however, there is bound to be some misinformation associated with the procedure.

From what Botox can do, can’t do, and everything in-between, here, Dr. Maya Kato of Aesthetic Art Facial Rejuvenation aims to clear the air surrounding Botox injections and clarify any hampering questions you may have regarding the procedure.

Botox, Briefly

Botox is a manufactured product. Derived from the botulinum bacteria, Botox is a neuromodulator that temporarily weakens the muscles that cause facial wrinkles.   By weakening muscular contractions, wrinkles in the forehead, between the eyes and crow’s feet are eliminated for a period of time, generally four-eight months.

Some of the most common myths surrounding Botox injections include:

1. Botox is a Dangerous Procedure 

Botox has been medically approved for over thirty years, first receiving FDA approval to treat medical conditions such as muscular spasms and excessive sweating in 1989. In 2002, Botox was approved for cosmetic applications, after which time millions of patients have safely obtained gratifying results with Botox injections.

Of course, Botox should be handled and administered by a trained, experienced, and qualified doctor.

2. Botox Can Cause Permanent Paralysis and Botulism

This myth stems from how Botox is produced. Botox is derived from a toxin produced by botulinum bacteria.

In its natural, unpurified and non-derived form, this toxin direct from the bacteria can induce botulism food poisoning – a serious type of poisoning that affects the body’s central nervous system and, in some cases, can lead to death.

However, Botox Cosmetic, a purified, controlled substance, only works on a localized scale at the injection site and causes temporary superficial musculature paralysis.  Moreover, the dose of Botox Cosmetic is extremely dilute, which makes it safe, when administered by a physician properly trained in its use.  The effects of Botox are reversible and non-permanent.

3. Botox Will Freeze My Face Expressionless 

The results patients experience with Botox does depend on the skill and experience level of their doctor. However, Botox injections, when properly administered to the treatment sites, will not affect other muscles in the face and will allow for a full range of expression.

Injections sites for Botox include:

4. Botox Can Solve All My Signs of Aging

As we have discussed, Botox works by paralyzing the muscles responsible for causing dynamic wrinkles. There is another type of wrinkle, static wrinkles, which Botox cannot address.

Static wrinkles are caused by lines being etched into the skin due to repeated movement, the skin losing its elasticity, and sun exposure. In order to solve these wrinkles, fillers such as Juvederm, Voluma, and Volbella can be used in conjunction with Botox to give the entire face a fresh, rejuvenated, youthful appearance.

Next Steps

Undoubtedly, Botox is a highly useful, safe, and effective anti-aging treatment. Botox can provide anti-aging results to a vast majority of patients concerned about the effects time is having on their appearance. To have any remaining questions answered, or to book your consultation with Palm Springs award-winning board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Maya Kato, call (760)-610-5558 or fill out her online form.

While Botox may be one of the most recognizable cosmetic brands, new products that leverage the unique properties of the botulinum toxin are constantly hitting the market. In recent years, one of these new inventions, Dysport, has quickly become a popular option for men and women looking for a Botox equivalent. But when it comes down to it, what are the differences between these two wrinkle-fighting options?

The Similarities

Fundamentally, Botox and Dysport are designed to halt the deepening of wrinkles. This is done by leveraging the paralytic properties of the botulinum toxin. A byproduct of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, this neurotoxin is innocuous in nature but can be deadly if concentrated. When used in cosmetic or medical treatments, the neurotoxin blocks nerve receptors on muscles, causing the targeted muscles to relax and smooth out. In the world of cosmetic treatments, this temporary paralysis is especially useful for proactively and reactively treatment wrinkles caused by muscle spasms and laxity. 

Both Botox and Dysport are made using medical grade Botulinum toxin. However, each contains a different potency of the trace proteins. This leads to two different results. 

The Benefits of Botox

While Botox has a reputation for being one of the better known cosmetic procedures available, the injectable has become a truly versatile treatment in many fields of medicine. From treating excessive sweating to strabismus, Botox is FDA-approved for many medical procedures. In the world of cosmetic care, the procedure is one of the most requested anti-aging treatments due to its convenience, easy of application and versatile use to nearly all aspects of the face and hands. 

Part of the success of Botox comes from how targeted treatment injections are. Once administered, the formula stays put, blocking nerve receptors only near the injection site. While this highly targeted application may require additional injections in order to fully treat lax muscles, the precise nature of treatment makes it perfect for creating a natural-looking appearance.

The Advantages of Dysport

Dysport’s unique formula contains smaller molecules of the botulinum toxin. While this may not seem like much, the smaller size allows the molecules to diffuse from the treatment site and spread to the surrounding area. This makes Dysport ideal for treating larger areas, such as the area between the eyebrows. 

The higher potency of the toxin also changes the number of injections a patient needs each treatment. Depending on the depth of existing wrinkles, patients may only need a little amount of the formula to treat glabellar lines. In all, Dysport has been proven to be a highly effective wrinkle treatment.

Which Treatment do I Need?

Choosing the right neurotoxin treatments begins with understanding your needs. While Dysport and Botox offer similar results, there are substantial differences that make each procedure perfect for different patients. While Botox can be applied to nearly all aspects of the face, the diffusion that comes with Dysport makes the treatment a better option for patients with moderate to severe wrinkles between their eyebrows and forehead. During your consultation at our office, Dr. Kato can walk you through other key differences to help you better identify which solution best suits your needs.

Explore Your Options with Dr. Kato

Whether you’re smoothing fine lines and keeping deep wrinkles from progressing, there’s an anti-aging procedure that’s perfect for you. Call Dr. Kato and schedule a consultation with our Palm Springs specialist to learn more about your treatment options.

It’s one thing to sweat before a big presentation or after a tough workout. Sweating is the body’s natural way of staying cool and avoiding overheating. But when patients are faced with excessive sweating, it can be embarrassingly difficult to stay cool. In these instances, Botox can be an excellent option for keeping cool and staying dry.

What is Hyperhidrosis?

Normal sweating is controlled by nerves, which trigger sweat production in response to different stimuli, which can range from the body being too hot or emotional changes. In some patients, sweat glands are hypersensitive and overproduce sweat with the smallest stimuli. This condition is known as hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating. There are two main types of hyperhidrosis:

While treating secondary general hyperhidrosis can come down to adjusting medication, treatment for primary focal hyperhidrosis can vary. Depending on where on the body sweating episodes occur, some of the more traditional treatments may not be recommended for certain cases. However, there is one fairly new treatment option has been successfully used across all instances of hyperhidrosis – Botox.

Botox beyond cosmetic care

When most patients think of Botox, they often think about the anti-aging benefits of this injectable treatment. However, it’s the same features that make Botox a popular wrinkle-fighting solution that also offer hyperhidrosis patients a lasting solution for their condition.

Medical-grade Botox is a highly diluted form of the botulinum toxin. While deadly in its pure form, the refined form has been successfully used in many medical and cosmetic applications over the years. Some of the lesser known uses of Botox include as a treatment for migraines, crossed eyes and teeth grinding as well as freezing wrinkles.

For patients with hyperhidrosis, Botox has long been one of the top recommended treatment options. In fact, the FDA approved Botox for the treatment of severe excessive sweating starting in 2004. Through this application, Botox is injected in areas that experience excessive sweating. The refined protein then helps block the nerve signal that tells the body’s sweat glands to start producing. As a result, patients can reduce unnecessary sweating in these specific areas in just a few short visits to their specialist.

Another advantage of using Botox to treat excessive sweating is how successful these injections can be. Unlike surgery, which is restricted to where certain parts of the body or antiperspirants which may not offer total dryness, Botox has a high success rate across nearly all parts of the body. Some studies have shown that the injection can reduce underarm sweating by nearly 82 to 87%, palmar sweating by up to 90%, and foot sweating by 50%. Furthermore, patients can enjoy results for up to 14 months – an improvement from trying to control excessive sweating with medication or non-surgical options.

Stop Sweating – Schedule your consultation today!

For many, excessive sweating can seriously undermine an individual’s day-to-day life. Learn what life could be like without having to worry about sweating – call our Palm Springs doctor and see if Botox is the answer to your hyperhidrosis.



Getting older doesn’t mean we have to look it. With so many innovations in cosmetic treatments like Botox and dermal fillers, today’s modern patient has plenty of options when it comes to choosing non-invasive treatments. So much choice between such similar treatments however can seem overwhelming to patients when searching for the right treatment option.

At Aesthetic Art, our Palm Springs doctor believes that patients should know what their options are when it comes to cosmetic care. If you’re weighing your options between these popular non-surgical cosmetic treatments, here’s what you need to know about Botox and fillers.

Breaking down Botox

Since it’s introduction to the medical world, Botox has become something of a wunderkind regarding its many applications. From helping patients with hyperhidrosis stay dry to alleviating painful migraines, the injectable is more than an anti-aging treatment.

The Botox injectable used in today’s medicine is derived from the botulinum toxin, a byproduct of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. A type of neurotoxin, botulinum specifically targets the nervous system by disrupting neural signals between the brain and muscles. In concentrated doses, this disruption can be deadly. When highly refined and diluted into medical grade Botox, the toxin becomes a powerful tool in treating a range of medical and cosmetic conditions.

Why we love Botox

In the cosmetic treatment industry, Botox has gained a reputation for stopping the aging process in its tracks. Much of this success can be attributed to the treatment’s paralytic capabilities.

While some wrinkles are caused by environmental factors gradually damaging skin cells, others occur are a result of frequent muscle contraction. Over time, smiling, crinkling your eyes, crying, and other facial expressions can lead to microscopic fine lines around patients’ eyes, mouths and foreheads. These muscle-created wrinkles can quickly deepen into deep wrinkles and cause patients to look older than they truly are. In these scenarios, Botox can be used to temporarily block receptors and prevent the muscles from contracting excessively. This helps keep skin looking younger, longer.

Who is a candidate for Botox?

Another important benefit of Botox is how the treatment can be used both proactively and throughout the aging process to help patients age gracefully. Most healthy adults in their late 20s to early 30s have found proactive Botox treatments to be an excellent preventive measurement against aging.

Dermal Fillers – Another option for younger looks

Not all wrinkles are successfully treated with Botox. Environmental factors like sun damage, smoking and pollution can take their toll on skin cells. At the same time, collagen production slows as we age. This combination can lead to skin losing important volume and the appearance of sharper, more hollowed facial features. In these instances, dermal fillers are the best approach to enhancing your appearance.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Sometimes referred to as injectables, dermal fillers are gel-like formulas injected just below the skin to create volume in specific areas across the face. Across the realm of dermal fillers, there are countless formulas for patients to choose from, categorized by what they’re made from:

Depending on the specific area, different filler options exist to specifically treatment the type of volume lost. Choosing the best dermal filler for each area and patient is an important conversation between patients and their plastic surgeon.

Who is a candidate for dermal fillers?

Like Botox, dermal fillers can be used to treat a range of cosmetic conditions, making the treatment type highly versatile for many patients. While dermal filler treatment is best for patients already showing signs of creasing, some thinner fillers types have been successfully used to help younger patients enhance their lip volume.

Interested? Meet with the Experts

Choosing the right cosmetic treatment doesn’t have to be an overwhelming affair. At Dr. Kato’s Palm Springs office, our specialist is your guide to great looking, refreshed skin. To learn more about your available treatment options, call our doctor today and schedule your consultation.


When you think Botox, do you think of smooth skin and youthful-looking features? While Botox has quickly become one of the top anti-aging beauty treatments, this injectable isn’t just for taking years off your visible age.

Botox’s unique formula and ability to temporarily freeze nerve reaction makes it a useful tool in combatting several other medical concerns. Consider a few of these surprising head-to-toe alternative applications for Botox.

Eye twitches and lazy eyes

Blepharospasms, lazy eyes, and crossed eyes are all conditions that can compromise a patient’s visual capabilities and even cause them to lose confidence in their appearance. Botox is an FDA-approved treatment for these ocular conditions and has helped many patients regain the ability to see straight ahead.

Neck Spasms

Neck spams, or cervical dystonia, can be an unpleasant condition to live with. The condition causes muscles in the neck to contract involuntarily, causing the head to move uncomfortably and without warning. Botox injections help relax muscles in the neck that cause these uncontrollable contractions, improving an individual’s quality of life and general comfort.

Uncontrolled Muscle Contraction

There are several neurological conditions which cause muscles to spasm uncontrollably. As Botox helps block nerve receptors, the treatment can be administered to specific muscle groups to help relax those muscles, ultimately helping stop those uncontrolled movements.

Bruxism and Chronic Headaches

Chronic headaches, migraines – there’s no doubt about how painful and disrupting they can be to a patient’s life. When headaches are caused by bruxism (teeth grinding) or temporomandibular joint disorder, Botox is an excellent solution. Rather than having to wait out the pain, injections can relax tense muscles that are contributing to teeth grinding, relieving the pressure and pain. Coincidentally, injection spots for migraines are also very close to injection spots for treating wrinkles, giving patients the opportunity to treat two concerns instead of just one.

Excessive Sweating

Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating is less about getting the nervous sweats before a big presentation and more about always sweating. For people with this condition, the constant sweating can be a professional and personal nightmare, making it difficult to feel comfortable in social or workplace settings.

Botox injections are low maintenance and offer a longer-term alternative to heavy-duty antiperspirants or pills. During the procedure, Botox is injected into the areas where you excessive sweat the most, helping patients stay dry even under the most stressful scenarios. The results of a treatment session usually last between four to six months.

Bladder Dysfunction

For patients with overactive bladders, any trip out of the house can quickly require a plan of detailed action. Luckily, Botox injections for treating overactive bladders is FDA-approved and considered by some physicians as a highly effective response to the condition.

See if Botox is Right for You

While there is no such thing as a miracle drug, Botox certainly comes close by offering patients a non-invasive, highly effective cosmetic treatment that can be used to improve a wide range of conditions. Learn more about the advantages this procedure offers by calling and scheduling an appointment with our Palm Springs specialist today.


Today, men of all ages are requesting plastic surgery to boost their confidence. Some of the men’s goals are to have a more defined jawline, rejuvenate their skin, and encourage hair growth. There are many non-surgical procedures that are perfect for men to enhance their appearance.

To see which treatment best suits your needs, schedule a consultation today!

Over the last few decades, Botox popularity has skyrocketed, becoming one of the top non-surgical cosmetic procedures for men and women as well as an innovative solution for a number of physical health problems. However, frequent use can leave some long-time patients with Botox immunity, the plateau at which their muscles are no longer as responsive as they once were. Learn more about this increasingly common condition as well as some of Dr. Kato’s recommended alternatives for keeping a smooth appearance even after your last treatment.

What is Botox Immunity?

As most patients know, Botox is a highly refined version of the Botulinum toxin, a form of neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. When injected into fine creases and wrinkles, this toxin freezes the muscle in place, keeping it from moving for several months at a time and thereby preventing these lines from deepening and more from developing. As the body begins to process the toxin, the paralysis fades unless retreated.

For patients with Botox immunity, the injection gradually loses its potency over time, leaving patients with results that are less effective for shorter periods of time. Once individuals reach this plateau, most are required to get larger doses of the injection each session, look for an alternative, or stop cosmetic treatment altogether.

New research has suggested that there are several potential causes of Botox immunity. For starters, new studies have shown that true immunity develops when continuous injections lead to the natural development of Botox-resistant antibodies. For these individuals, repeat treatment sessions allow the body to slowly build up a tolerance to the toxin to the point where they no longer achieve the same results as they used to.

Not all cases of Botox immunity are the result of true resistance. In some instances, the amount used, injection depth and even age of the Botox material can all prevent the treatment from being as effective as possible. In these instances, choosing a highly experienced practitioner with access to high quality Botox is especially important when making the decision to receive cosmetic procedures.

Solving Botox Immunity

While the idea of Botox immunity can be overwhelming, true Botox immunity is extremely rare, occurring in about 1-3% of patients. As with anything else, moderation and accurate application by a specialized cosmetic surgeon or specialist are the best preventive steps for avoiding true Botox immunity. A trained specialist will know exactly how much to administer, where to administer the injection, and when to recommend touch-ups as well as the frequency of follow-ups. This personalized treatment development will help ensure that your results remain effective after each visit.

Although Botox immunity is rare, there will always be a small percentage of patients facing resistance. For these individuals, there are non-surgical solutions that can help you achieve similar results without having to resort to surgery. One such solution is Dysport, another botulinum-based injectable that uses smaller molecules of the toxin than Botox. This change in the molecular structure of Dysport allows it to bypass any antibodies that may have developed in response to the Botox while still providing the same results. While traditional Botox lasts a touch longer than Dysport, the two options provide incredibly similar results and are FDA-approved for traditional cosmetic needs as well as some physical health problems.

Start Your Botox Treatment Journey at Aesthetic Art Today

Whether used to keep wrinkles at bay or address temporomandibular joint disorder, Botox has proven itself to be a highly effective solution for diverse cosmetic and health issues. Enjoy the full potential results of this treatment and avoid immunity by scheduling treatment with an experienced cosmetic specialist like Dr. Kato. At her Palm Springs practice, the entire Aesthetic Art team is committed to helping all patients make the most of their treatment by creating personalized treatment strategies for all individuals. To learn more about Botox and Dysport treatment, call 760-610-5558 to schedule your treatment consultation.


Wedding season is approaching, and several of our non-surgical procedures are becoming bridal shower favorites. If you are a bride looking to undergo a few quick facial rejuvenation treatments before your big day, we have good news for you. Read our infographic below to find out what we recommend to help you get wedding ready.

Schedule a consultation and see if you are a candidate for these benefits.