(760) 610-5558

Melt Away Your Double Chin by 2019

When it comes to some cosmetic treatments, the sooner you have them performed, the better. This is especially true for procedures that offer gradual results and may take some time to realize such as Kybella. Kybella is perfect for patients who struggle with a persistent double chin. Luckily, Kybella can help these patients reduce their double chins gradually and discreetly. Electing to have your Kybella treatment started this season, can ensure an improved neck contour in 2019. Why not start on making next year your best one yet?

Why Double Chins are So Persistent

Also described as submental fullness, double chins are the excess fat that develops right below the lower jawline. While the cosmetic condition is commonly associated with age and weight gain, submental fat accumulates on patients even in their 20s or 30s. Furthermore, factors like genetic predisposition, skin laxity and posture can all worsen the appearance of double chins.

Compared to other accumulations of fat cells, double chins cannot easily be targeted with diet and exercise. Traditional treatments for removing excess tissue include the facelift, necklift, and submental liposuction. While these are popular permanent options, the surgery requirement often makes these options less attractive to patients who are not eligible for surgery or prefer not to undergo the knife. For these patients, surgery-free options like Kybella are an excellent and effective alternative.

Kybella: Add Definition without Surgical Intervention

Kybella is an FDA-approved prescription medication designed specifically to target submental fullness and add definition to the jawline. Much like traditional surgery, this innovative injectable permanently eliminates the fat cells accumulated below the jawline, creating long-lasting results. Unlike surgery that physically removes cells, Kybella uses deoxycholic acid, a compound similar to a fat burning substance naturally produced by the body. When introduced via injection to the double chin, this active ingredient destroys the excess fat cells. Over the course of several injections, more and more cells are destroyed and naturally removed from the body through the lymphatic system.

Why We Recommend Kybella

The non-surgical nature of this solution offers several important benefits to patients. For starters, while Kybella treatment is completed over the course of several injections, each treatment session is completed in quick 15-minute visits. As the medication is administered using an ultra-fine hypodermic needle, there is minimal discomfort during and after each session. Most patients are able to come in for treatment during their lunch breaks, making it a simple and discreet solution that fits every hectic schedule.

Discretion is another important benefit many of our patients appreciate. As these injections use a natural-based compound to destroy fat cells, the results are gradually noticeable. Combined with the negligible downtime, Kybella is an excellent option for patients who want to improve their appearance without looking like they’ve undergone treatment.

Among its many benefits, Kybella offers the distinct advantage of providing patients with surgical-like results without having to go through with traditional plastic surgery. While the overall treatment time is slightly longer due to the several treatment sessions, once Kybella injections are completed and the unwanted fat cells are permanently eliminated, patients don’t need to worry about their double chin ever returning. For patients young and old, this is a critical advantage.

Don’t Spend the Holidays Hiding – Schedule Your Kybella Consultation Today!

At Aesthetic Art, our team is dedicated to helping you feel comfortable and confident in your appearance. If your double chin is keeping you from feeling your best, call Dr. Kato to schedule your consultation. During your visit, our team will conduct an in-depth evaluation and determine if Kybella injections are the best way of helping you regain facial definition. Call 760-610-5558 and get started today!