Is There Anything You Can Do to Make Fillers Last Longer?

Injectable dermal fillers provide exquisite aesthetic results almost overnight. By adding volume, definition, and contouring to your facial features, dermal fillers offer an ideal solution for patients concerned about the encroaching effects of age. The pleasing results from fillers, however, often may feel too short-lived. 

Indeed, dermal filler products are designed to be broken down by your body over time, so patients should expect multiple visits to their plastic surgeon every year to maintain the aesthetic benefits of dermal fillers. 

While a well thought out filler schedule is the best way to look and feel your best year-round, there are several considerations to be made when looking to prolong the effects of dermal fillers. Patients can consider different formulas, injection locations, diet, lifestyle, sun protection, and hydration, all of which contribute towards filler longevity. One factor influencing filler duration that is hard to control, however, is a patients’ metabolism. 

Beyond Our Control

Our metabolisms are set according to a multitude of factors, including diet, exercise, and body weight, but mainly our genetics. The metabolism is responsible for chemical reactions occurring in cells in the body; the faster the metabolism, the quicker the body will break down dermal fillers. 

But having a high metabolism, achieved by regular workouts, proper eating timings, and having a close to ideal body weight, is highly beneficial in terms of having a healthy, good-looking body. So, the metabolism conundrum is one that people wanting to look their best with dermal fillers must face. 

Fortunately, experienced surgeons can place fillers in strategic locations that optimize the lifespan of fillers. 

Move It and Lose It 

The more an area moves, the shorter a filler will stay in that area. 

For this reason, fillers in our lips, nasolabial folds, and foreheads often experience shorter lifespans than those in our cheeks or under the eyes, purely because these areas of the face are essential in facial expressions. 

This injection location depends on the patient’s desired aesthetic results and the skill of the surgeon. One thing that patients can do daily to help prolong filler duration is to not put them under undue stress or pressure.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

Sunlight directly onto areas with dermal fillers will cause a more rapid breakdown of the products. Using sunscreen and wide-brimmed hats while outside will prevent the sun from beating down on the fillers. This will contribute to significantly longer-lasting fillers. 

Keep Hydrated

Hydrating your body and skin with moisturizer and drinking plenty of water will enhance and maintain the water-absorbing effects of hyaluronic acid-based fillers (which most of the best fillers consist of). Fillers actually work by absorbing and holding water, so keeping your body and skin well-watered will prolong the fillers’ effects. 

Let the Fillers Rest

The more you manually touch or move an area of filler, the faster it will break down. As fillers are generally injected into the face, learning to sleep on your back is a great way to prolong their lifespan. Sleeping right means that the fillers are not moved around and pressured while you sleep. 

Avoid touching and poking your fillers, as this will speed up the breakdown process. 

Maintain a Filling Schedule for Best Results

To avoid any unwanted side effects from getting dermal fillers, it is advisable to consult an experienced, accredited, and respected surgeon. Doing so will usually result in the formulation of a yearly schedule where you can receive touch-ups at specific intervals to help results from fillers last as long as possible while still providing pleasing aesthetic results. 

Dr. Maya Kato of Aesthetic Art Facial Rejuvenation specializes in guiding patients towards sustainable, highly satisfying filler plans. Contact her on 760 610 5558 or fill out her online form here to arrange your virtual consultation today, wherefrom the safety and comfort of your own home, you can consult and book an appointment with the leading plastic surgeon in Palm Springs.  


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