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3 Easy Ways to Keep Lip Fillers from Going Wrong

If you wish to emulate the look of celebrities such as Megan Fox and Kylie Jenner, lip fillers provide a great opportunity to achieving perfectly kissable lips. Lip filling, which has grown to become one of the most in-demand non-surgical cosmetic treatments, plump, pouty lips seem to be a defining beauty movement of the late 2010s. When striving for the perfect pout goes wrong, however, we wind up with a set of the dreaded “duck lips.” 

Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to ensure your lip filling procedure gives you the best possible results.  

Because the demographics of people opting for lip fillers are so broad, ranging from 18-year-olds straight through to 60+, people must understand first what can go wrong with a lip filling procedure, and secondly, how they can achieve the results they desire.

 How Can Lip Fillers Go Wrong?

The lip filling procedure is straightforward and quick. Injecting the gel into the lips takes only a few moments, and is relatively painless. What’s more, dangerous side effects are infrequent. However, the simplicity and popularity  of this procedure have led to a lack of industry regulation that leaves many patients at risk of bungled jobs. Just because the process is easy to understand doesn’t mean the aesthetic eye and training of a board-certified plastic surgeon isn’t necessary when administering lip fillers.  

If an inexperienced, untrained individual gives lip fillers, it may result in lumpy-looking, uneven, and unattractive lips. Furthermore, though rare, instances of anaphylaxis, extreme swelling, allergic reactions, and blood vessel occlusion are possible medical issues that can arise with lip fillers. Nobody but a properly trained and certified doctor has the qualifications to handle such emergencies. 

Because of these risks, you should carefully consider who you choose to perform your lip filling procedure, including their qualifications and how long they have been working with injectables.

How to Ensure You Get the Best-Quality Lip Filling

Ensuring all the elements are in place to prevent your lip filling from going wrong is your responsibility. If you follow these three simple pieces of advice, however, you give yourself the best chance at obtaining the results you desire.

Choose the Correct Surgeon

One of the first questions you should ask the practitioner you are considering for your procedure is, “How many times have you done this?” Inevitably, the more experience a doctor has with lip fillers, the better they will understand their outcomes. 

By first ensuring your doctor is board-certified and experienced, you have given yourself a good chance of receiving satisfactory lip filling results. However, to provide the best results possible, you should look at previous patients’ comments and experiences with the doctor. Look for any specific awards the doctor has won and their area of expertise. If they specialize in facial surgery, that is a bonus.

Prepare Properly

In the days leading up to your date with the doctor, you should get your body ready for a successful lip filling. Ways to accomplish this include avoiding blood thinners and drinking plenty of water. 

Steering clear of blood-thinning products such as fish oils, aspirin, ibuprofen, and alcohol  for seven days before your procedure minimizes the likelihood of bruising after your injections. Try not to drink alcoholic beverages for the week leading up to your procedure – if you do so, you will fully recover much faster. 

Drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day. If you have trouble remembering to maintain this pace, there are plenty of smartphone apps designed to remind you to drink water. Get your body nice, relaxed, and hydrated before your procedure, all of which will contribute towards a faster healing process.

Recover Properly

Although most people need little to no downtime after a lip filling, your lips still need to adjust to and recover from the procedure. 

Don’t rub your lips in the days after your injection. Doing so can displace the filler and cause unwanted results. Also, wait 24 hours after your procedure to exercise. Keeping your blood flowing slowly and steadily helps with the recovery process and gives the filler time to set properly. 

Finally, remember it is normal if your lips are slightly swollen for up to a week after the procedure. Gently apply some ice when you can to reduce inflammation. 

Dr. Maya Kato, founder of Aesthetic Art Facial Rejuvenation, is a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in facial cosmetic surgery. Readers of Palm Springs Life magazine have voted her Top Doctor for seven consecutive years, due to her consistent ability to provide an unmatched patient experience. To consult Dr. Kato about your lip filling procedure, please don’t hesitate to call 760-610-5558 now or fill out our online form to arrange a consultation.